Women's Costume Bat Poncho
WomanbatWhen you think of your favorite caped crusader, you no doubt immediately have a certain image in mind. Whether it 's the goofy and dead-pan antics of the past, or one of the more contemporary gritty, realistic crime fighters, it is all just a little bit played out. It is hard to be original when you are surrounded by so many lookalikes and copycats.If only there were a way to take all the cute and cuddly aspects of bats and incorporate them into your costume, rather than the scary and dangerous parts If there were some kind of large, black, torso-enveloping blanket that you could wear instead of the boring old standard superhero gear, then you could be happy. Besides, why does crime fighting have to be so grim and gritty?Guano Have a Good TimeThat being the case, why not get a little fun and flirty with it? You can fight crime and stop villains ' schemes just as easily in a poncho as a fully-armed and armored mechanical suit, right? Well, maybe not, but that shouldn 't stop you from enjoying the comfort and class of a large bat wing shaped blanket thrown over your shoulders! You will definitely feel warm and cozy enough to hang upside down all night in this Women 's Bat Poncho!Bat Is the New BlackIf you have hunted and hunted for just the right costume to show your love of the number one flying mammal, then you can rest assured that you have echo-located it here. Spend the night being a bat in comfort, just try not to eat bugs in front of anyone important!