Women's Eve Costume
Worth It?Life in the Garden of Eden is where it's at. Adam and Eve got to galivant around with all the animals. Their days were spent swimming, sunbathing, and eating almost anything they wanted. It's hard to get chubby in paradise. But there was one thing they couldn't eat. And that particular fruit happens to be one of the best flavors on earth!This infamous couple might have been living in luxury but they had no apple cider, apple turnovers. They couldn't flavor their sandwiches with apple butter or celebrate birthdays with a pice filled apple pie. Sure, there were other fruits. But have you ever flipped through fall issues of food and home magazines without seeing countless, mouth-watering apple recipes? Yeah, we didn't think so.Product DetailsWhile we didn't hunt down actual fig leaves for this costume (itchy), our in-house designers really embraced the garden look for this Made by Us Eve costume. The leafy dress has a snakehead strap that's there for support as well as dropping knowledge. The snake wraps around the body and leg, bringing the whole look together. The leaf dress is topped off with a flower crown that's easy to style with any kind of hair. Comparing Apples to OrangesNo one ever mentions the part where the snake and Eve are watching Food Network's Carmel Apple special. And for good reason, because if we knew what she was going through we would have never been able to blame Eve for all the hardships of humanity! And really, next time you bite into an apple turnover just try and tell us it wasn't worth it. Want to help rebuild Eve's rep? Pair up with Adam. Or go out solo with an apple pie in hand to show that your mistake in the garden long ago was totally blown out of control.