Women's Lurex Shimmer Tights
MIGHT BE SHE'S BORN WITH ITShe's glorious. All evidence points to her being a mythical being that is only gracing our world with her presence. Her charisma is bold enough that we can feel her enter the room long before we even see her. If she looks our way, a blush forms on our cheeks and only the most stoic of us can stifle the nervous titter that rises from our chest. And then, to look upon this enigmatic creature whose very legs glimmer and sparkle from her otherworldly origin. Be she a mermaid who strides upon the land? A goddess from a faerie realm? A being of light made manifest? We cannot know!PRODUCT DETAILSOr perhaps you're just looking to accentuate your stellar look with a little bit of sparkle? Who are we to know!? Whether you're building up your cosmic credibility or putting a little shine on your style, these Lurex Shimmer Tights are the perfect accessory. The stockings are a loose fishnet made from nylon and metallic fibers for that green and gold sheen.MAYBE IT'S MERMAID-WEAVE!When a siren walks upon the land, it isn't enough to just magically get some legs. She's got to have that gleaming scale look as well! Give yourself just the shimmering look that you deserve with these tights.