Women's Ms. Christmas OppoSuit
Christmas time is quickly approaching—much faster than you think! That means that you’ll soon be decorating Christmas trees, hanging mistletoe and drinking tons of coffee in order to stay awake so you can catch Santa Claus (you’re sure to catch him in the act this year). You’ll be dashing through the shops around town, looking for the perfect gift for each member of your family and maybe a gift or two for yourself. You’ll be making preparations for ugly sweater contests and you’ll be warming up those pipes to sing a few Christmas carols at your neighbor’s doorstep. If only there was some kind of outfit that you could do it all in…Oh wait, the fine people from OppoSuits totally made this Ms. Christmas OppoSuit to sate your hunger for all things Christmas. The suit comes with two pieces, a coat and skirt, which have a colorful pattern that looks like the holidays exploded all over your wardrobe. The pattern has images of snowmen, mistletoe, pine trees (of the Christmas variety of course), snowflakes and even Santa’s reindeer. Both pieces are fully lined and the pencil skirt has a zipper in back for fitting. It’s the perfect outfit to wear when trying to blend in at the next ugly sweater party, but it also makes for a cute look to wear at a family get together.Be sure to check out all of our OppoSuit outfits to fill out your wardrobe with all kinds of out-of-the-box style suits to wear at any event.