Workin' the Skies Flight Attendant for Women Costume
Buckle Up!Take the idea of being a lady "on-the-go" to a whole new level! Flight attendants have such a cool life they get to travel around, hopping from spot to spot, sitting in those cool jump seats, mastering their safety demonstrations, and seeing the world! Plus, they get to wear fun outfits. Seriously, if you think about it, flight attendants are really the only people who get dressed up to travel anymore. They are friendly, classy, and can travel for free anytime they want. It's an enviable gig if you ask us!So, whether you want to team up with a pilot for a couple's costume this Halloween, or you prefer to fly solo, this Workin' the Skies Women's Flight Attendant Costume will help you soar. You can add fun accessories, like mini bags of peanuts, an oxygen mask, or even a push-cart from which you can offer beverages to party guests. How fun! Design & DetailsFlight attendants are pure class think about it, you never see them kick their shoes off on a plane or sport yoga pants and a hoodie! No, they are dressed to impress and ready to make your flight more comfortable. And we love a uniform that includes a timeless hat, like this one. Our design team researched the perfect colors, proportions, and cut to create this exclusive costume that makes you part of the crew, immediately. It includes the navy-blue, long-sleeved, collared sheath dress, and a red neck tie that brings out the brightness of the dress' red-stripe accents. The cap has coordinated red trim and aviation wings to spruce it up! Add a pair of red heels and polish your pearly whites, because the skies are lookin' friendly tonight!Cruising AltitudeNow that you've found a look you love, it's smooth sailing from here. Everyone will get a thrill from seeing you enter the party it means the night is really about to take off!