X-Ray Skeleton Women's Jumpsuit Costume
It Escaped! There's something that's a little creepy about X-rays. We're not just talking about the machines, that move around you with otherworldly clicks and whirrs while you have to stay r e a l l y s t i l l and hope that you won't have to take another one. The sight of those glowing bones on the slide just feels wrong. If your skeleton is working properly, you hope you'll never have to see it outisde of your body, but here it is. And maybe there's a little voice inside your head whispering that the skull on that photo paper looks a little too lifelike...as though somehow your skeleton got out and is in no hurry to go back in...Product DetailsNo bones about it - this exclusive X-Ray Skeleton Jumpsuit Costume for Women will be the most memorable costume of the year! The black zip-up jumpsuit is stretchy and form-fitting for comfort, with long arms and legs. The front of the jumpsuit is printed with a life-sized skeleton, complete with anatomically correct bones, that seem to glow an eerie blue. You'll be a doctor's dream come true but a nightmare to everyone else! Be Nice to Ms. Skeleton What could an escaped skeleton want? Maybe it's upset at being imprisoned for so long and has decided to take out its anger on all the other humans it sees. Maybe it's going to try to free its fellow skeletons - by force if need be! ....Or maybe it's just here to eat appetizers, dance and have a good time. We hope it's the third option!