Zombie Cheerleader Costume
Once you’ve made the leap to zombie-dom, a lot of traditional high school sports banter starts to sound a little insensitive. It’s hard to tell the team to “look alive,” for instance, when you yourself look anything but. Asking the crowd to “give the team a hand” could be taken literally, and the classic “Alligator, alligator, eat ‘em up, eat ‘em up” cheer takes on a whole new meaning.Then again, maybe it’s not such a big leap from diehard sports fan to undead cheerleader. A lot of hardcore sports fans get accused of being couch zombies already, and there are definitely folks out there who’d gladly munch a brain or two if they thought it would help their favorite team bring home a title. Perhaps it’s all the more honest to own up to your brain dead tendencies, adorn your moldering body in the franchise’s signature colors, and get out there to shake your pom-poms (or is that zom-poms?) as you root, root, root for the home team.You can be the life and/or death of the party in this cute polyester combo, featuring a black and burgundy dress with a terrifyingly tattered hemline and matching pom-poms. The front of the dress is decorated with dreadful details like blood spatters, a “DED” insignia, and a fake bloody rib poking through. You might not be the cheeriest of cheerleaders, but no one will be able to deny you’ve got heart. Possibly even two or three of them, depending on how fast the opposing team can run away.