Kid's Scary Scarecrow Poncho
A Noise in the DarkGosh, this haunted corn maze is a little scarier than you thought it would be. You were expecting candy apples and hot cider, and instead you got actors dressing as ghouls leaping out at you and making you drop your kettle corn. The jump-scares were bad enough, but twilight is beginning to creep up and you still haven't found your way out of this stupid maze. Also, have you noticed how quiet it's gotten? It's almost like everyone left - but they wouldn't have all left so quickly, right? You'll just have to keep turning corners and - wait. What was that? Did you hear a rustle up ahead? Something's definitely there. Don't panic. It's not an actor, it's just an old scarecrow. But why is its stitched face smiling so cruelly? And why do you suddenly feel like you definitely should run? Product Details Crows aren't the only ones you'll frighten when you wear this Scary Scarecrow Kid's Poncho! The 100 percent polyester fabric sports a seasonal burnt orange print along with a few patches for good measure. The tattered edges show how long you've been staked in the farmer's field - and how many fights you've won to get off the stake and seek revenge. Burlap fabric and a rope adjuster cord add a touch of authenticity! Good or BadSure, you could be a good scarecrow - one that enjoys the autumn sun on its face and smiles at people during hay rides. You could also be the kind that creeps up behind an unsuspecting soul in the pumpkin patch. Be whatever kind of scarecrow you want!