Adult Deluxe Manic Tea Party Wig
The table is immaculately set with your favorite cups and saucers. You've brewed your own special blend of loose leaf tea for exactly the perfect amount of time. The lemon wedges and sugar cubes have been artfully arranged. Your guests are on the way. There! That was the last thing on the list. Now you can check on the mouse living in your teapot and still have a minute to practice your wide-eyed gaze in the looking glass. Wait! What's that on top of your head? That's not the way your hair usually looks when you're hosting a tea party, is it? Oh no! All that preparation would be ruined if you didn't have a Adult Deluxe Manic Tea Party Wig at the ready, because people may come for the tea and cucumber sandwiches, but they stay for your frizzy locks and eccentric behavior. Luckily, we've got one of those wigs right here! Whew. Now where did those pesky cucumber sandwiches go?