Adult Founding Father Costume
You know whatΓÇÖs not an easy gig? Forming a more perfect union. For starters, you have to figure out what truths everyone holds self-evident. Even if youΓÇÖre the sort who likes making lists, thatΓÇÖs a pretty weighty task. And you know youΓÇÖre not going get much support from your former bosses - as a matter of fact, theyΓÇÖre willing to go to some extreme lengths to keep you with their organization.And then thereΓÇÖs the paperwork. YouΓÇÖve got to sign some majorly important documents, and there are plenty of decisions to make on that front. Where do you want to be on the list of signers? Do you need to practice your quill work or just go with your usual scrawl? Do you want to follow that ever-flamboyant John HancockΓÇÖs example, or keep your mark more on the modest side? These are big choices. You only get one shot at a document like this, and with any luck itΓÇÖs going to live in history.One thing you donΓÇÖt have to worry about is what to wear. This revolutionary ensemble will keep you on the cutting edge of Founding Father fashion. The long, black polyester jacket features double rows of metallic silver buttons, with a stand-up collar and wide sleeve cuffs (careful not to let them dip into the inkwell!). The polyester pants stretch to mid-calf range, with elastic at the waist and cuffs. The vest front features still more buttons and satin ribbon waist ties. Bring it all together and youΓÇÖve got the foundation of a more perfect outfit thatΓÇÖs sure to stand the test of time.