Adult Spider Full Mask
Cleaning Out the CobwebsYou've been meaning to clean out your closet for a while now. There are years of stuff piled up in there. So, one slow Sunday you start to take care of it. It was surprisingly pleasant at first. You were making fast headway and discovering some useful things that you thought were lost a long time ago. As you sorted the piles of keep, throw, and donate you got deeper into the walk-in. You started to notice a few dense spiderwebs wrapped around some items. It was gross but you just shrugged it off and put those items into the throw pile. But then the sticky web got more common, covering everything in the back of the closet. How many spiders could there be in this closet? You hadn't even seen any! The answer arrived in horrific style when you moved the suit you wore to prom. Yes, there it was, a spider crouching on the floor, as big as a pit bull. Too bad you were stuck in the spider's web at this point. Who knew spring cleaning could be deadly?Product DetailsBecome a nightmare-inducing man-size spider when you slip this latex mask over your head! The angry-looking face is detailed with faux hair and way too many shining eyes. With limited vision and ventilation, this pull-over mask is great for quick scares and photo ops!