Carmen Sandiego Adult Scarf Accessory
Chasin' the Champion ThiefWe looked for Carmen Sandiego for years when we were kids. She was always up to something. When she wasn't escaping with the keys to the Forbidden City she was plotting to steal the Nile River Delta. Now we don't even know how to steal a land feature but good ol' Carmen sure figured it out! After all these years of chasing her down, it would be nice to know what it's like to walk in Carmen's well-traveled shoes! Design & DetailsYou'll know what it's like to wear Carmen's iconic scarf once this exclusive, licensed accessory comes in the mail. The lightweight fabric will look allusive as you zoom past authorities, a national treasure in your briefcase. Frequent Flight RiskIf you want to become the iconic ringleader of V.I.L.E. then this scarf is just the start! You'll need Carmen's red jacket and wide-brimmed hat as well! Whether you're dressing up for Halloween or for a nostalgic nineties party, this costume is sure to make you feel like a jet-setting hero. Simply slip the scarf around your neck and you'll have all sorts of ideas of what to steal next. Paris had better watch out for that tower of theirs!