Child Star Wars The Force Awakens Kylo Ren Gloves
Where do you stand on the "Should lightsabers have hilts?" argument that dominated the pre-release hype around The Force Awakens? It seems a little dangerous, don't you think? Like, say, in Kylo Ren's showdown with Rey, wouldn't all those flips and slashes concern you? We prefer our lightsabers without mini-lightsabers sticking out the side, but you do you.But if your child wants to suit up as the newest member of the Dark Side, grab them these officially licensed gloves to complete their Star Wars look and keep their hands and wrists (a bit) less susceptible to third-degree burns and/or inadvertent amputation. They'll be dark and mysterious, too—just like Kylo Ren, that most potent enemy of the New Republic, the Resistance, and the legacy of the Jedi.