Chinese Take Out Costume
LIVE COMPLETING DELICIOUSNESSChinese food is something of a small miracle. There's a Chinese restaurant in almost every city. It's comfort food but it also stretches the palate with new tastes and combinations. It's not quite junk food but neither is it a boring plate of healthy food that leaves you wanting more. There are noodles, vegetables, many different types of meat, but it's not casserole or soup, something completely different and so many options, you'll never get bored!Just imagine the hole in our lives without this miraculous gift. All of us have that favorite spot that we love to hit right before close after a night of hitting the town. Or that jewel in the rough that doesn't look like much from the outside, but when you try their food, it's magic. Just think of all the TV cops who wouldn't have chopsticks and a to-go container to hold while they were trying to break the big case. Everyone knows the only way to get the important break in a case is when you've got a hunk of saucy broccoli on your chopsticks, just about to eat, and then... eureka! PRODUCT DETAILSClearly, we just need more Chinese Take-Out in our lives, so we've got a perfect way to make that happen. Presenting the Chinese Take-Out costume! This 100% polyester outfit comes with fabric noodles and veggies on top, flaps on the sides, and a silver metallic foam handle to look as close to authentic as possible. Imagine how much everyone will love you when you walk into the Halloween party dressed as their favorite miracle food? We're guessing that people will just eat you right up.GROUP COSTUME?We need more Take-Out love! So, time to find some friends to dress as Chopsticks, chunks of broccoli, and probably a hungry police officer chasing down their dinner... er, we mean their case-breaking lead!