Fleece Unicorn Hood
What's better than a rainbow unicorn? Nothing, that's what!Wanna know why? Because unicorns are mythological, magical, beautiful creatures, and they tend to have rare and extraordinary powers. Like...being able to make people follow them through forests against all better judgement, or possessing the ability to cure crazy, deadly spells with their horns or silver unicorn blood, or even helping Tom Cruise get his start in the movies!When you slip on this warm fleece Unicorn Hood, you'll embody all of the pure, benevolent, glorious rainbow magic of your dreams. Mere strangers will become instant friends, inviting you into their hearts and house parties! Rag-tag groups of unlikely heroes will be inspired to embark on life-changing adventurous quests! A teary Tom Cruise in a huge fur coat will travel through ice and snow to beg over and over for your forgiveness!(Just go with it…when you're a unicorn, you get used to these kinds of embarrassingly emotional displays)