Harry Potter Professor Dumbledore Glasses
More Than Meets the EyeSome wizards have a way of making you wonder how wise they truly are. They might be coming up with awkward answers to questions nobody asked. Perhaps they are showing up late or seem to have totally forgotten one of the most apparent spells out there. Then there are others that seem to make choices that go entirely against any degree of logic, making you wonder if those intellectual instructors actually want their students to get into trouble!Is that why Albus Dumbledore sent the heroic trio off to do this, that, and the other thing in all the variety of 'no student shall ever enter' locations that Hogwarts had to offer? Maybe that's the reason that magical trinkets fell into their hands and why he always seemed to have a mischievous look of confusion whenever he was asked about his actions.Design & Details We all know that Dumbledore is no dimwit and now you can enjoy the same tricky look when you wear these Professor Albus Dumbledore Glasses. These half-circle costume classes are inspired by the look of Albus's own from the films and are sure to give you the extra edge on all of your "forgetful wizard" cosplay fun. Pair this with a Dumbledore costume or add it to any other wise-but-weird character costume for the perfect way to top off any look!