Kid's Dark Crusader Costume
A Knight Noble and TrueKing Arthur is worried. A band of evil knights is threatening the safety of his kingdom. The Knights of the Round Table are away settling an uprising in the North, and the rogues are using the opportunity to pillage and plunder their way through the towns near Camelot. Just as the king is prepared to ride out to fight them alone, a mysterious stranger arrives at his castle. Dressed all in black armor, the unknown knight requests the honor of fighting the rebels alone. The king is concerned for his safety, but grants his wish. As he watches from the battlements, lo and behold! The knight fights with the strength of 50 men and the rogue band is put to flight!Product DetailsShow off your bravery in this exclusive Dark Crusader Kid's Costume! A silver tunic protects your arms from stray blows, and a long black tabard provides ease of movement so that you can swing a lance as easily as a sword. Two belts give you room to hang your extra weapons and silver gloves let you grip those weapons securely. As a finishing touch, the silver hood fits snugly over your head to keep you comfortable even inside those metal helmets. The Mightiest KnightOnce you rid him of his foes, the king will surely want to reward you with half of his kingdom! The choice is yours whether you want to rule at his side or continue on your adventures. Whatever you decide, the Dark Crusader is a legend that Camelot will not soon forget.