Pink Hair Spray
We can 't even count all the awesome female characters with pink hair. You 've got Poison from Final Fight, always ready to kick some wholesale keister with her trademark buggy whip and long, flowing pink hair. You 've got Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, who when she isn 't regretting her former dating decisions is always ready to crush bad guys with her giant sledge hammer (+2 against girls). You 've got Sakura Haruno from Naruto, and we don 't know what she does because we don 't watch anime, but we understand she 's a ninja, so she must be pretty tough too. The point is, you can 't have pink hair and not be a total femme fatale. There 's something about that color With just one can of our pink hair spray you 'll crank the dial up from gloom to glamour! This hair spray goes on quickly and comes out easily, so you won 't have to commit to having pink hair for very long. It holds its color well while it 's on, of course. You 'll be the center of attention wherever you go when you have pink hair!