Police Officer Costume for Women
Are you feeling blue? No, not sad! Are you feeling that need to put on a uniform and get your city back in order? We get it. It's frustrating to watch someone throw their candy wrapper on the ground when there's a trash can within arm's length. What can you do other than passive aggressively pick it up and throw it away while maintaining eye contact with them? Passive aggression only goes so far. Wouldn't it be nice to have an air of authority?Now, it's pretty challenging to go through Police Academy. The training is one thing but then you also have to follow all the rules. No more jay walking for those students, oh no! If you're simply following a passing fancy to obtain a little more authority, there are easier ways without any studying involved. Now, don't go around telling people that you're licensed to tell them what to do but when you're wearing the blue you're to notice a change in how people treat you. Maybe you'll get a seat on the train, that squirrel in your yard might not scold you as you pass. Hey, who knows? Maybe you'll even get a free hot dog at the street cart. We don't know what will happen but we're guessing the opportunities are endless! This exclusively designed outfit includes a fitted three-quarter sleeved shirt with a matching neck tie and attached badge. The cute shorts are belted and the look is topped off with the authoritative Police hat. Polish this ensemble off with any of the many available police accessories to take you costume game to another level. When you're wearing this ensemble, the blues never felt so good!