Rainbow Foil Skele-Girl Costume for Girls
Sweet and Scary Picking the perfect Halloween costume can feel so hard sometimes! You want to choose something that expresses your vibrant personality but also fits the holiday. Or, maybe you love the idea of dressing as a spooky icon, but you know that you don't want to go full-on fake blood and gore. What makes Halloween so magical, however, is that you can dress as anything you want, even if what you want is a mash-up of two amazing looks!Product DetailsThis stunning Girls Rainbow Foil Skele-Girl Costume is the perfect way to put a fresh twist on a classic Halloween theme! The minidress fastens at the back of the neck and features a short-sleeved bodice made of black velour. Shiny graphics of rainbow-colored spine and ribcage bones are printed on the front. The multicolored skirt is made of vertical strips of knit mesh over a solid satin base layer. The footless black tights are printed with metallic rainbow-hued bones, as are the matching black fingerless gloves. Complement any hairdo with black fabric bow that's attached to a plastic comb. Time for the Monster MashHave you ever wondered if skeletons get tired of wearing the same old weatherstained bones every time they want to leave their graves to do some haunting? Maybe they miss the customizable clothes they used to wear during their earthly lives. It's not too far-fetched to imagine that, at the very least, they might want to color their ribcages and fibulas from time to time. In this vibrantly-hued outfit, you'll be ready to become the belle of the next Monster Ball!