Silent Ninja Women's Costume
Stealing HeartsSneaking along dark passageways, racing along rooftops, and moving unseen through the grounds and estates of your victims are all wonderful parts of being a ninja. All the years of training and struggling to grow your skills have finally paid off. You are ready to attempt the biggest heist of your career.Snaking along the familiar corridors of your boyfriend 's house, you silently approach the unlocked door. Taking your specially prepared weapon from your pocket, you slink inside the dark living room. He is completely unaware as you come around his side and hold the weapon just in front of his eyes- a wedding band. He looks back in surprised adoration and you know that you have stolen his heart. The heist was successful!Product DetailsFinding the best ninja costume can be a hassle, but you are sure to be happy with this Women's Silent Ninja Costume. The layers of armor and cloth are quieter than an owl 's wings, and the stylistic additions show you to be more than a simple thief. The included spandex dress, gloves, mask, belt, and leg ties are all that you need to complete your transformation into the coolest killer and hottest hitman of all time. The printed fabrics have a draconic theme, which will only make you more imposing in your black and red outfit. We know that this quality armor will take your skills to the next level!Silent and DeadlyIf you think that being a sleek and dexterous ninja sounds like fun, then give this Women's Silent Ninja Costume a shot! You will love the way you look and feel in this awesome costume.