Suicide Squad Joker Costume Kit
We’ve all seen countless forms of the Joker appear from page to con and from small to silver screen, but one thing that we are all certain of is that the Joker’s tricks are never over. And, now, he’s back and up to even new ones. Don’t let this new face make you fall for his façade because the new Suicide Squad’s Joker just as dastardly and devilish as his other incarnations. Sporting some new wicked tats and a hair style that is somehow wilder—and greener—the Joker’s new look is just his latest adaptation to the new times… and you have to be ready to adapt, too!This licensed Suicide Squad Joker kit brings you all the accessories you need to transform into the deadly villain from David Ayer's movie. The costume comes with a flesh-colored shirt featuring all of the Joker's tattoos from Jared Leto's performance. The bright green wig uses synthetic fibers to recreate his neon green, slicked-back style. The finishing piece to this kit comes in the form of a makeup kit, which you can use to perfect your classic Joker style, including all needed applicators and needed instructions. Once you have it on, you may have the sudden urge to break into Belle Reve to cause all sorts of trouble. (Don’t worry, we included makeup removal instructions, too, so you won’t necessarily be as crazy as our green-haired lunatic… we hope.)