Sweet Scarecrow Hat Accessory
Say No To CrowsOn Halloween, some people worry about their costumes scaring everyone. We think that 's too much pressure to put on one 's self. Not everyone is going to be scared of everything, that would just be ridiculous. How about this year you only worry about scaring one thing? Naturally, we 're talking about those pesky crows! They keep stealing all the corn and ruining the fields. Go out this year as a crow 's worst nightmare, a scarecrow, and protect the crops. You can top off your costume with this adorable Sweet Scarecrow Hat. You don 't need to be the most terrifying scarecrow out there to get the job done. You just simply need to become one. You can still have one of the cutest costumes at this year 's Halloween parties while protecting the snacks from those scavenging crows. Product DetailsThis Sweet Scarecrow Hat is a brown cone-shaped cap with a wide brim. There are different colored patches added to the hat, making it even more adorable. The cherry on top, so to speak, is the lovely sunflower on the front of the accessory. Once you complete your scarecrow transformation with this sweet and stylish hat, you'll be hearing more awes and less caws".