Teen White Rabbit Costume
They say that it is curious the way that Alice first found her way into Wonderland. Few from the unusual world have the ability to come through to our world and the Looking Glass is an unpredictable doorway. So, that leaves us to look at the one creature that we’ve seen with the ability to go to and fro as its will: the enigmatic and quick footed White Rabbit! How’d he show up in front of Alice the first time? He was late, rushing to get back to the Red Queen as quick as he could. But, have we really figured out why he was here in the first place!? It is a mystery that is well worth investigating, but nobody knows except the White Rabbit, himself. (Possibly the Mad Hatter or March Hare, but who can handle a lengthy chat with either of those barmy fellows!?)Clearly, the White Rabbit has a few tricks hiding in that watch pocket or under that big stuffy hat of his… even if being precisely on time isn’t one of them. But, either way, there is something significant to be said about being the right-hand rabbit of the most powerful Queen in Wonderland. Invitations to all the tea parties, freedom to wander back and forth through the Rabbit Hole. Who could argue with those benefits?Now your teenager can enjoy the same liberties with this Teen White Rabbit costume. White fur pants and an attractive purple and suede long-sleeved jacket make up the bulk of the White Rabbit’s look, but the oversized top-hat and puffy white rabbit ears makes your teen truly transform. Soft bunny feet and white fur mitts ensure that this Rabbit is moving quickly and looking fantastic—and the satin bow tie won’t even require any careful adjustments! Should the position seem of great interest to you also, you could get the same opportunity with the Adult costume size! Hop your way through the Rabbit Hole and enjoy your time in Wonderland this year. You do not want to be late for this one!