White Bunny Purse Accessory
What Bugs a Bunny?Have you ever paid real-close attention to bunnies? They really seem to have it all together. When they' re sitting in a yard nibbling clover, they look completely at peace. Of course, if we step toward them or a car engine revs nearby, they tend to relocate to a more distant patch of grass. But they really can't be bothered by much else than needing more snacks, dogs, and curious kids.We decided we could all use a bit of that serene sense of calm all bunnies seem to possess. After lots of thinking, we' ve come up with this versatile accessory.Design and DetailsKeep it all together with this exclusive White Bunny Purse from our talented team of designers! This bunny-shaped bag is the perfect blend of utility and comfort. The body of the purse is covered in super-soft faux fur, so even if you' re facing a stressful shopping trip, you' ll have a calming companion to put you at ease. Of course, the pocket on the back ensures you' ll have everything you need when you' re away from home in one place as well. And while a real bunny might hop away when you approach, this tranquil tote comes with an attached strap, so it' ll always stay close!Keep Calm and Carry OnWhether you' re attending a costume party as Alice, Bambi, or Jessica Rabbit, you won' t want to forget your favorite sidekick. So, carry this Made By Us White Bunny Purse to complete your Halloween look, and keep calm knowing you have everything you need!