Women's Bright Pink Leggings
If your legs robbed a bank would witnesses be able to recognize them in a line up? If they're wrapped in your standard black legging, the answer is probably no. But what if you want your legs to be recognizable? There's no reason for them to go undercover, they work hard keeping you up all day, they deserve to be celebrated. When you're feeling like your legs are asking for some festive garb these leggings will be there for them. During the eighties, no one was afraid of encasing their legs in a little neon color, in fact it was typical to encase your legs in a lot of color. Amp up your hot pink leg look by adding some neon colored leg warmers in a different hue, you'll find you can't help breaking into some enthusiastic aerobic dance moves. We're glad you've gotten on the neon legging train. Now we just have to start getting people to wear shoulder pads. . .