Wonder Woman Accessory Kit
Anyone who's ever seen an Amazonian warrior in a fight knows that they're not to be messed with. So when a supervillain is up against Diana, a.k.a. "Wonder Woman" a.a.k.a. "Princess of the Amazonian home world," her opponents are pretty much guaranteed to have a very bad day. Few can rival her skills in hand to hand combat or with a sword and shield, and her dazzling uniform is perfectly designed for swift movement and fierce attacks!No matter what era of WW you're dressing up as, you'll find this Wonder Woman Accessory Kit will come in handy to add some stylish authenticity to your look! It includes a gold toned tiara headband and matching pointed belt, and a gold braided Lasso of Truth accessory, which doesn't actually make people tell the truth. (but it you don't have to tell them that) You'll look so heroic, you could form your own costumed Justice League!