Wonder Woman Boot Tops
No one ever appreciates Wonder Woman's boots. People are so excited about her Lasso of Truth. Yeah yeah, she can force anyone to tell the truth and find out when they're lying. That's cool, and certainly comes in handy, but a lasso? Really? And now you're thinking "What about her bracelets, dude, come on!" You know what, the bracelets are cool! We admit it! Bulletproof, virtually indestructible, there's no doubt those are handy when battling bad guys. The only problem is... how often are people actually shooting bullets at you, the ordinary citizen, on a regular basis? We're willing to bet it happens less than once a month. No, the real power of Wonder Woman isn't her Amazonian birthright or her magical gear (we haven't even mentioned the invisible plane!), but in her fashion sense. And that starts with her stylish boots! Nothing says "butt-kicking of justice" like a pair of red and white striped boots and when they show up on the scene they always mean business. Maybe you can't have her lasso or her bracelets or any of her super powers, but at least now you can have her fashion sense, right?