Tombstone 21" Winged Angel Decoration
Enter if Ye DareMost of the year, you work on making your home inviting. In fact, you're super thoughtful! You put comfy pillows on your porch swing for those folks that could use a little more back support. You hang wreaths on your door that are sure to let visitors know they're welcome. Flowers bloom in your yard from May to September. The porch light stays on whenever anyone, even the pizza guy is expected. You even have a literal welcome mat in front of your door. But come Halloween, the vibe changes. You want to give your home an air of spooky danger. The pillows are replaced by growling Jack-o-lanterns. The wreath is now covered in spider webs. And your sweet flower bed is now a graveyard. Yikes! Fear not, it's all in the spirit of the season. During October, nothing welcomes neighborhood ghouls and goblins quite like "enter if ye dare" decor!Product DetailsIf you want to add elegant grave yard touches to your decor, this pair of gravestones will be a great purchase! The lightweight molded figures measure just under two feet high each. One is molded to look like a praying angel in a copper green. The other is a disturbing death figure in a similar position. They both come with stakes, making them easy to slide into the ground as soon as the start of spooky season is declared at your household!